
Boost Your Protection Against Alzheimer's

As early as the human observation and study it was reported that each one-day coffee/caffeine intake in middle-aged and older persons the risk Alzheimer's disease disease. Earlier studies of the studies have shown that Alzheimer's disease in mice, caffeine may be in the coffee, provide the kind of protection, because it can reduce the production of the abnormal protein of beta-amyloid, which is considered as a cause of this disease.

Using the mouse, create logos breeding mimic Alzheimer's disease, the researchers of the first fact, drinking coffee for coffee provide protection against the disease, it is not possible to use other caffeine containing drinks or caffeine free coffee.

New research is not important of caffeine to prevent dementia, are drinking coffee for coffee from the blood, an increase in growth factor called gcsf (Chungnam National University colony stimulating factor). The gcsf substance can be greatly reduced by patient disease and Alzheimer's disease, the Alzheimer's disease of memory mouse. A country that has just concluded in the clinical trial of the USF Health Institute for bird, dementia, ask the gcsf treatment to prevent comprehensive Alzheimer's Disease patients in the mild cognitive damage, the earlier in the disease. This trial is currently being evaluated and should know that it is very fast.

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