
Nail Diseases

A nail polish is fundamentally an appendage, growth from the skin, tips of fingers and toes. The disease, nails have their own specific conditions, set clear signs and symbols. nail polish can often indicate the general health of individuals. The following is a list of the most common diseases that affect nail polish.

Terry nails
This is the case of one of the salient features is black with the tip of each nail. Aging will also have this symptom. A number of other serious diseases, such as diabetes, congestive heart failure or liver disease may also cause Terry nails.

Spoon nails
Medical name koilonychia this is the case, this would give a depression of the nail plate. hemochromatosis, liver condition can produce spoon nails. Anemia or iron deficiency can also cause koilonychia. It can even be a symptom of hypothyroidism and heart disease.

Beau's lines 
This situation is characterized by grooves, the direction perpendicular to the nail on the head, the growth. Whether or not the injury or illness may cause extreme disruption of the growth of the nails, and this has resulted in indentation. peripheral vascular disease or diabetes may cause cannot control the line and woke up. Pneumonia, mumps, measles or typhoid fever can also cause this to happen. Sometimes it can be a symptom, and zinc deficiency.

Yellow nail polish syndrome
For those who suffer from Yellow nail polish syndrome, the nail becomes thick, the nails will be reduced. As the name suggests, the nail become yellow. Sometimes it can be a nail from the nail bed in a positive manner. nail polish may also be lacking cool features. chronic bronchitis or other respiratory diseases may cause this syndrome. Who expansion or swelling in the hand may also lead to this situation.

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