
the Right Acid Reflux Treatment

You have a feeling that when you are in the stomach vomiting vomiting? On the face of it, this is the case there is a medical term. The term is named GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease or commonly known as acid reflux disease. This is the case the results weaken the sphincter sphincter, and gastro-intestinal diseases cause gastric contents, shoot down the esophagus. While this may be a simple, seemingly harmless disease, treatment is still can cause many complications, which may endanger one's health.

Acid Reflux of appropriate treatment
Fortunately, we have many ways of treating acid reflux disease. The following is a list of some of the known treatment GERD, you can benefit from it.

Prescription drugs: the medication in the first selection is in the curing mild types of GERD. In addition, there are 3 types of drugs, in order to select the treatment acid reflux disease. These drugs, including proton pump inhibitors, H 2 block, and acid. To learn more about these, please read the following content.

Antacids: In the discussion of the use of drugs, and stomach acid in the stomach acid in the stomach. In addition, the drug is thinking of the first drug, and must be taken rapidly reduce symptoms. In addition, they do not have a greater impact. In fact, this medication paired with other anti-gerds increase its effectiveness. It must be remembered that there are adverse effects, may be encountered in this medication. Common constipation and diarrhea. The acid can be in a pill or a liquid type.

Blocker:The main purpose of this medication, it can help you work with you to deal with acid reflux, the greatest reductions in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. A reduced amount of acid means that a smaller possibility, these acidic substances because they did not find prey. Just like with any other drug, there are also a number of negative effects, such as nausea, vomiting, headache, loose and constipation bowel movement.

Proton pump inhibitors ( PPIs): producer price index is a measure producer is very close to the affected H 2 inhibitor. The same, the producer price index is a measure producers will also help to reduce gastric juice. However, in reference to a much more effective. This medication helps to repair esophagus because the corrosion caused by acid reflux. All of these are only in a pill form. The effectiveness of this medication, there are a lot of adverse effects, a patient may need to include gastrointestinal discomfort, headache, gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea and vomiting. In conclusion, this drug is also required from your doctor's prescription, in order to purchase.

Surgery: Another possible acid reflux treatment doctor, you will be recommended if you are experiencing heart is often through surgery. surgical procedures including packaging the upper part of your stomach, and then will be connected to the bottom of the esophagus. For this reason, food residues will be rejected by moving the outlet is to strengthen and tighten.

In addition, the implementation of the system operation is by using a laparoscopy. This is done by doctors with a narrow tube built-in camera in the stomach by a very small part. patients will receive laparoscopy will recuperate in comparison, this is essentially a medical procedure, a significantly reduced.

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