
How do I determine HIV test?

What are the different types of HIV tests?

  • The HIV antibody test: This is a blood test to help you determine whether you are suffering from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). If it is, the body will produce antibodies of the infection. Check detects these antibodies. They are usually produced two 8 weeks after infection with HIV. If the result is in the affirmative, the second will check to verify the results. If the result is in the affirmative, you are HIV-positive.

  • Antigen: P 24 antigen test HIV in a phase of the HIV antibodies test. 24 P antigen is a protein, including HIV. It is at the time of production of a preliminary stage in the context of HIV/AIDS infection in the body. Most Laboratories use in Australia of HIV-antibody and P 24 antigen.
  • Window period: this is the reporting period when a person is infected, when to check that the detected infection. It is the basis of the review of the LAB, but it can be a maximum of 3 months.
  • Rapid HIV tests: These results with the tools to provide in 15 minutes.

Why do I need to check it out?
You will need to take into account the HIV check, you feel that you are exposed to the AIDS virus. This can happen in such a case, you are not protected vaginal or anal sex or shared injecting equipment. Body fluids such as semen, blood or vaginal fluids can enter the body and blood infection. If the liquid containing the HIV virus, the risk of infection.

What are signs and markings?
People are infected with HIV risk or seroconversion may have a variety of signs that are referred to as aids in seroconversion. These include fever, rashes, fatigue, pain or persistent diseases such as influenza, are largely ignored.

What to do if I receive very little HIV test?
You need a time of antibody check, get some counselling, check when you results. In this way, you can be fully informed of inspection and the impact on the environment of the test. You may not know your HIV status, but you are positive or negative can help you take care of your own and others. If you check positive, early treatment can help keep your body healthy and less anxiety than I don't know.

If the last check for some time?
The frequency of HIV testing. In such a case, you have tested the after a period of time, of safe sex, gay men should check the time, for 12 months is always there is no effective. In addition, there is a do not know condoms when aligning the encountered in the course of the work.

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