
What Are the Causes & Signs of a Vitamin D Deficiency?

It seems that wherever you go, people know that you have achieved or is suffering from a vitamin D deficiency. How do you become so widespread? What it means is that our health and what can they do? Mainly because it is our way of life. It is fortunate that it is easy to diagnose and fix.

What causes a vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D is known as the "sunshine vitamin, because it is a by-product, we are exposed to direct sunlight. Those who spend most of their time out of direct sunlight or internal sunlight may be able to find their own deficiencies unless they take steps to correct the problem. Another reason, the deficiencies that can lactose intolerance products. Because most of our Milk today is vitamin D reinforced to avoid milk and products from it may help you vitamin D is low. Strict vegetarian diet can also be a short of the vitamins D .

Why do they need vitamin D?
They have long been aware that vitamin D help we use calcium chloride from the day-to-day diet, and help to build a strong bones. Results of the study showed that vitamin D helps to prevent heart problems and depression in older people. When the child, and help to prevent asthma and rickets, a disease, bone is not mineralize properly and can slow growth or an exception, small vitamin D in blood can cause chronic fatigue.
How do they resolve this issue?
One method is to move south. Experts recommend 15 to 30 minutes of sunlight several times a week. Individuals living in the southern region, many years 4 quarter of the sun. Cigarette lighter skin or residents living north of the line from Los Angeles to South Carolina, Colombia may not be able to get Sun in a 4 quarter.

What is the indication that vitamin D deficiency?
Many people in the absence of any indication that all the shortcomings in that respect, I found that some health problems cause it was found. Some of the signs display light or delicate. They can include delayed teeth, bending gestures, and a loss of height, poor growth in children, bone pain, dental abnormalities, muscle cramps, backbone and other bone deformities, weakness, pain and fatigue. Vitamin D can be diagnosed with a simple blood check in your doctor's office.

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